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Mass Loaded Vinyl (MLV) applications
Mass is a critical component in sound control and works by simply stopping sound from vibrating through its structure. Mass Loaded Vinyl (MLV) is an effective material to use in lining soundproofing curtains or blankets.
At even just ½LB per sq ft, MLV can produce a 25 STC rating, which is 1/16” thickness. You can get up to 35 STC by using 2lb per sq ft and 1/4” thickness; however, this is slightly more difficult to work with.
Soundsulate 1 lb MLV
Soundsulate MLV is very thin and flexible, and these characteristics make it a great choice for a variety of sound control applications without compromising space. It is designed to reduce noise transmission through floors, walls, and ceilings. Soundsulate offers an STC rating of 27, which reduces loud speech to audible but not understandable. To your ear, this may sound like 1/4 of the sound you heard without MLV.
Typical applications include applying over studs, joists, or suspended ceilings. It can also be used as an acoustic wrap for machinery, equipment, and ductwork.
What impressed me most about this Soundsulate product is their ability to exceed people’s expectations, especially when comparing their prices. They are very competitively priced at an average of $2/sp ft and committed to delivering quality. Soundsulate has been around since 2015 and is manufactured in the US. I do not doubt that as the Soundsulate brand grows, it will become a premium product within the market as long as they don’t outprice themselves.
Audimute Peacemaker MLV
Peacemaker is eco-friendly, lightweight, and cheaper. It is almost on par with a traditional MLV for effectiveness. Heavier product is better for sound management but is not always practical. However, Peacemaker is still able to deliver great results without needing the same mass.
Peacemaker is produced using recycled materials, making it eco-friendly and unique in its manufacturing. It also boasts great after-sales service by a small but dedicated company.
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ArrowZoom MLV
Made with imported materials, the sound-deadening Arrowzoom MLV works as a very good sound barrier.
Product Details

Arrowzoom MLV is available in rolls measuring 50cm x 100cm (19.7” x 39.4”) and is found in two variants: 1.2mm (0.04”) and 2mm (0.08”) thickness. The former costs $50 while the latter charges $80. The material weighs 1 LB per square foot. It has a tear strength of 70 lbs/in and tensile strength of 400 psi. The ultimate elongation stands at 200%, and the flammability is measured at SE 0 in/min. The temperature range withstood by the MLV is -40F to 180F. The product has a stiffness of 15-55 Mpa.
TotalMass MLV
TotalMass is one of the more reliable companies that sell quality MLV. Being in the market since 2008, this Idaho-based firm doesn’t have much to offer other than your standard MLV, but what it sells is absolutely great.
Products Offered
TotalMass offers three kinds of MLV with different density based on your requirements.
They are :
- 0.5 pounds per square feet MLV
- 1 pound per square feet MLV
- the hard 2 pounds per square feet MLV
MLV can be used in many places such as walls and ceilings, under the carpet to soundproof the room’s ceiling below, or wrapped around noisy pipes. Always keep in mind sound management is best done from the side that sound is traveling through. However, their sheer mass does make a considerable difference to noise traveling in.
Good luck and happy soundproofing!
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